版本需求:Android 因裝置而異
Blogger in your hand ;-) and without ads :-)
Blog with simple Blogger client, create & edit posts on any of your blogs, create & delete comments.
Create draft posts.
Share your posts to other apps.
Use simple "wikisyntax" like **bold**, __italic__, --strike--, ^^superscript^^ and [link text http://linkAddress] (for example [Blogger http://blogger.com] will create link to http://google.com with text Blogger.
Work with multiple blogs/Blogger accounts.
Save and Load your posts to and from SD.
Add information where you are to blog post.
(in case of problem, please contact with developer. Comment with info like "doesn't work for me" or similar will not help me to find solution for your problem, additionally I'm not able to answer for comment, so mail me, I will try to find solution).
App uses android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS permission to access list of accounts device, thanks to this it is able to let you link your account with app, and access your blog.